
Little Girl with Rainbow Flag Stands Up to Homophobic Preacher

Little Girl with Rainbow Flag Stands Up to Homophobic Preacher Skip to content ncG1vNJzZmiolaS9rbGNnKamZ5Oauaau0aKrsmecnsG1uMRmnqKqnGLEqsDHZqmaoZ6XvLh5xaWYoGWjqa6vsNJmrKllpKR6qbvMqKehp5KesG680Z6YnKCVp3w%3D

Third Man voted best of British | Movies

David Lean was the greatest British film director ever and the Third Man the best movie, according to a definitive survey of industry insiders. The British Film Institute has spent the last year questioning 1,000 movers and shakers within the business, including Terry Gilliam, Neil Jordan, Mike Leigh and Jeremy Irons, many of whom figure

Blac Chyna Shares Sweet Photo of Kids King Cairo & Dream Dancing

Just look at this adorable dancing duo. Blac Chynagave a glimpse of her kidsKing Cairo Stevenson, 11, and Dream Kardashian, 6,having some sibling bonding time as they grooved to the music, captioning the sweetOct. 20 snap with two hearts and a prayer hands emoji.

Emilie Zapalski Wikipedia

Emilie Zapalski Wikipedia Ils sont de plus en plus nombreux (malheureusement..) saturer les crans de tlvision. Ils ont une opinion sur tout sous le soleil et sont extrmement comptents dans tous les domaines imaginables. Ils jouent un rle majeur en semant le doute et lincertitude dans lesprit des tlspectateurs, et ils volent la

Holbein's dead Christ delivers a shock | Art and design

The dead man's grey-green face tilts towards you, stiff dry hair spilling over the stone block covered with a white shroud, beard pointing up at the low roof of the sealed box in which this corpse lies interred. Blackened feet lie close to the wall of the stone enclosure. The right hand teeters on the